Sunday, 20 May 2012

Summer Lovin'

Woke up to a beautiful late spring morning and decided to dust down the my 'finds'.  Think I'm going to have to resist my hunter gatherer instincts for a bit, and give this little bunch of gems a little summer lovin'!  

Anything takes your fancy? Give me a shout & I can create a more personalised finish.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Here we are in May already!  

Portobello Makers Market 

April was a busy month finishing with a lovely day at the Portobello Makers Market, were again, I met some lovely people, and made some new friends.  I was so busy meeting and chatting that I completely forgot to take some photos - next time!

Tower Sculpture

At a very long legged 34" high, this tower is the largest I've done so far.  Now complete and delivered.

Weight For It!

I've had 10 of these amazing vintage election stamps made by D Cunninghame of Glasgow, for a good while, waiting for a chance to do something to them.  The original finish was in pretty poor shape. Enameled much like the old style singer sewing machines, they had succumbed to a bit of wear and tear over the years.

Now upcycled for use as as paperweights, doorstops, bookends, but preferably not projectile missiles as they weigh about 8lb each!